Stony Creek Adventure Day

Adventure Day Schedule:

all times were adjusted + 1 hour since originally published to accommodate morning travel

  • 09:00 am 4-hr Adv Challenge Check-in; Start of Adv Games set-up and team tent set-up
  • 09:30 am 4-hr Adventure Challenge pre-meeting
  • 10:00 am 4-hr event start; 2-hr check-in
  • 10:30 am 2-hr pre-meeting
  • 11:00 am 2-hr event start; End of Adv Games set-up and team tent set-up; Adv Games start
  • 01:00 pm 2-hr event finish; start of lunch (continues through 02:30 pm, ½ hr after 4-hr event finish)
  • 02:00 pm 4-hr Adv Challenge finish; Adv Games continue
  • 03:00 pm End of Adv Games; Start of “Party Pace” Group Rides NON COMPETITIVE – many groups (many levels) coach-led; Group pictures!!!
  • 04:30 pm End of group rides; tent tear-down 
  • 05:00 pm End of Adventure Day

What is an “Adventure Day”?  

It is a one-day event whose purpose is to provide: 

  • A social “Outside of race series” activity for the entire MISCA organization
  • Games for all ages of MISCA students that are fun and only slightly competitive.
  • An opportunity to ride trails with students from other schools in a non-competitive setting.
  • Open to coaches too, so students can participate with (or against) coaches!

What will there be to do?

The three sub-events are back-to-back, so you can do all of them:  

  • Morning:  Adventure Challenge (2- OR 4-hour) 
  • After Lunch:  Adventure Games
  • And before we call it a day: Party-Pace Group Ride

2-Hour and 4-Hour Adventure Challenge

The “Anchor” event of the MiSCA Adventure Day – This is the morning event of the day.

Required Gear List: [GOOGLE DOCS]

What is the Adventure Challenge?  

Based on Adventure Racing, but the competition is fun and light-hearted.  Time and points count, but no podiums, medals, or prizes.  Disciplines will include:

  • Mountain Biking
  • Trekking (walking / running)
  • Land Navigation (using a map and compass to find control points). 

“2-Hour” and “4-Hour” refer to the time limit.  You must cross the finish line by then.

Participation is in teams of 4 only, made up of students, students with coaches, and coaches.  

Part of the “adventure” is that, prior to the day of the event, you will know little more than where and when to meet for the pre-event meeting, and the duration of the event.  No markers, flags, or signs will direct you where to go during the race. You will use race instructions, maps, and a compass to determine where to go, and punch your passport to show that you were there.  There WILL be one “Challenge Update” that will come out by email less than a week prior to the event with final instructions before the day of the event.

Both students and coaches may register with a complete team, request to be put on a team, or request to be put on a team with a friend.  

  • Register soon!  Registration will be capped at forty 4-person teams total.
  • Registration is required at least one week before the event.
  • Navigation experience is helpful but not required
  • In the last week before the event, watch your email!  Further information coming!
  • 2-hr Adventure Challenge:
    • All team members must be 12 or older, or have a coach on the team.
    • The event is timed but non-competitive.  
  • 4-hr Adventure Challenge:
    • All team members must be 15 or older, or have a coach on the team.
    • Semi-competitive.  Does not count in MISCA points series. No medals or prizes.

Parents are encouraged to attend, but may participate in the events only if they are (Level 1 minimum) coaches (must register for the event as well).

The registration fee is $20 per student, or $10 per coach, which includes lunch.

Adventure Games

A part of the MiSCA Adventure Day – This is the Lunchtime “fun” event of Adventure Day.  All participants and family members are invited to play!

What are Adventure Games?  

These games will be “hosted” by our own teams, one each.  Just walk up to the team tent, read the rules of the game, and with the direction of the student there, begin playing!

  • Teams are asked to provide a game that was designed (or discovered) by them
  • Simple 5-10 minute games for individuals, teams of two, or teams of four
  • Games are all stand-alone.  No “points” carry over from one game to another.
  • They are simply fun and light-heartedly fun!
  • Game hosts will provide:
    • Everything necessary for participants to play
    • One page rules sheet, to make rules perfectly clear
    • An ongoing results sheet (on a clipboard) for participants to reference later.

Games may be “Minute to Win it” type challenges, brain teasers, jigsaw puzzles, “fill the bucket” races, or bike skills challenges.  The challenge for the “hosts” is to come up with a game that people will want to come back to, that everyone is talking about after the event is over.  The fun for the participant is to keep going back to your favorites, to improve on your score or time from the last time you played it. 

The official MiSCA team is responsible for:

  • Designing (or discovering) the game
  • Providing everything required for the game; competitors can just walk up and play
  • Making the rules clear to participants with a posted 1-page rules sheet 
  • Manning the check-in table at their team tent during games times, which will be from 11am-3pm on event day.
  • Recording results and keeping them available for competitors (i.e. “I did this in 5:47 earlier today.  Has anyone beaten my time?”)

There is NO registration fee.

Participants do not need to pre-register!

The “Party Pace Group Ride”

The final event of the MiSCA Adventure Day – This is the final event of Adventure Day.  We expect it to be fun, unique, and really cool!!! It will be the end of the day, let’s take it easy, okay?

What is this “Party Pace Group Ride?  

  • There is NO CHARGE to participate in this event, but…
  • Registration IS REQUIRED for both students and coaches in order to help plan the event.  
  • Registration will be capped at 160, including 40 coaches. 
  • This is a “late in a long day” ride.  It will be appropriately paced!
  • Students and coaches will be placed in groups by the group ride coordinator
  • All rides will be taken “at ⅔ to ¾ speed” with no student passing the lead coach
  • We will be in groups, each having a similar level of experience within them and similar numbers of students (8-11) and of coaches (3-4) between them.  Different groups at different experience levels.  
  • Lead coaches will follow a common route to avoid crossing paths.
  • Groups will go out in approximately descending order of expected pace, to avoid groups being held up by slower groups.
  • Groups will be sent out like a time trial, with ~2-3 minutes between starts.
  • Depending on registration, there may be 15 or more groups.
  • The group ride coordinator will take input from head coaches to determine which group each student will ride with and will provide coaches for all groups.  The idea is to spread both the students and coaches out so that only a few from each school go to each group.  All groups will then be a cross-section of teams, at similar levels of experience with coaches and students from multiple schools
  • Approximately 60-90 minute rides on the trails
  • All groups will have at least three coaches including one leading and one sweeping.
  • Both coaches and students will know prior to the day of the event which group they will ride with.
  • We ask that everyone ride with their assigned group to help avoid the chaos that might otherwise ensue.

There is no registration fee for participants!

Free registration also for coaches – and we need coaches!

Please indicate if you’ll be staying for the group ride, so we know how many coaches we have.

The event is finished.


May 18 2024


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

More Info

Register Now!


Stony Creek Metropark
1588 E Snell Rd, Rochester, MI 48306


Mark Ware, Adventure Event Director
[email protected]
Register Now!


20 °F
Wind: 9 MPH
Humidity: 62 %
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