Information Session: Upcoming Adventure Events
We’re excited to roll out a new format of events for MiSCA! Join Mark Ware, MiSCA’s Adventure Event Director, for an interactive information session on Apr 8th at 8pm. We’ll discuss how the events will work, introduce our members to the idea of adventure racing, and answer any questions you may have.
Learn more at www.miscabike.org/adventure. Registration is open for the first two events: Stony Creek on May 18 and Brighton Rec on June 30. Registration for the third event (Pontiac Lake on August 17) will open soon.
What is an “Adventure Day”?
It is a one-day event whose purpose is to provide:
- A social “Outside of race series” activity for the entire MISCA organization
- Games for all ages of MISCA students that are fun and only slightly competitive.
- An opportunity to ride trails with students from other schools in a non-competitive setting.
- Open to coaches too, so students can participate with (or against) coaches!
What will there be to do?
The three sub-events are back-to-back, so you can do all of them:
- Morning: Adventure Challenge (different lengths available each day)
- After Lunch: Adventure Games
- And before we call it a day: Party-Pace Group Ride
What is an Adventure Challenge?
It is based on Adventure Racing, but the competition is fun and light-hearted. Time and points count, but no podiums, medals, or prizes. It includes:
- Mountain Biking
- Trekking (walking / running)
- Land Navigation (using a map and compass to find control points).
Participation is in teams of 4 only, made up of students, students with coaches, and coaches.
What are Adventure Games?
- Simple and fun 5-10 minute games for individuals, teams of two, or teams of four
- Games are all stand-alone. No “points” carry over from one game to another.
- Just walk up, read the rules, and play (and come back later to beat your score)!
- Every game is “hosted” by a different team!
What is this “Party Pace Group Ride”?
Have you ever been on a group ride with 150 people? We will have groups of 12 to 15 including 3 or 4 coaches – as many as it takes. Groups of very similar ability within the group will all ride at ⅔ to ¾ speed, all in a big, long string (ordered fast to slow).