Coaching Clinic: Essential MTB Skills

Cost: Included with MiSCA coach registration (in-person)
Deposit: $25 (refunded upon successful completion, space is limited – no refunds for missed clinics)
Time: Approximately 4 Hours
Prerequisite: Coaching on the Trail

During rides with student-athletes, coaches have the unique opportunity to reinforce good riding habits
and techniques. The Michigan Scholastic Cycling Association offers three levels of skills instruction for
coaches. At this first level, we hope to empower coaches to recognize opportunities for improvement
during rides and provide the appropriate language and instruction to share with student-athletes.
The skill descriptions and teaching points covered in this course will introduce you to the common language and terminology used to instruct team members. Riders and coaches of all levels can benefit from reinforcing essential skills in their daily riding.
- Coaches will be able to set up a skills instruction session
- Coaches will be able to teach and demonstrate the Essential Skills
- Coaches will be able to detect rider errors and provide appropriate corrections
Skills Included:
- Neutral and Ready Position
- Braking
- Side to Side Bike/Body Separation
- Forward and Back Bike/Body Separation
- Intro to Cornering
- Tight Turns
- Shifting
- Climbing
- Seated climbing
- Crouched climbing
- Standing climb
- Climbing Dismount
- Climbing Restart
- Descending Dismount
Upon course completion, submit your certificate in the Coach Requirement Submissions page in CCN.