Safety is the #1 Priority at MiSCA


Report an Incident

If you have any questions around reporting an incident, please email MiSCA’s Incident Reporting Group at [email protected].

Submit a report for an accident or injury sustained during a MiSCA sanctioned activity (such as a MiSCA race or official team practice.

MiSCA’s accident/medical insurance picks up as secondary to our participants primary health insurance. After the first $100, our insurance will reimburse any remaining out-of-pocket costs related to the injury (e.g. copays or payments required prior to meeting the primary insurance deductible).

Our Incident Report Group will review the incident and submit a claim to the insurance provider. Once processed, the injured participant will receive insurance information that will allow medical providers to bill the insurer directly (as secondary) for any unpaid or ongoing services. Until that information is received, the injured participant may be required to pay for services directly and request reimbursement from our insurer.

All Adult Participants of MiSCA are mandatory reporters. You are required by The Michigan Child Protection Law to report suspicions of child abuse or neglect within 24-hours to Children’s Protective Services (CPS). The abuse does not need to be confirmed. Adult Participants should never seek to conduct their own investigations. The below information is specific to the state of Michigan, abuse/neglect occurring in an outside state should be reported to the proper local authorities.

If you suspect abuse or neglect, report it any time day or night online or by calling 855-444-3911.

Additional details available from the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services. If reporting via hotline, you must complete form DHS-3200 within 72 hours of calling in a suspicion of abuse or neglect. Do not report online if you have already reported using the hotline.

If you make a report to law enforcement, please also make a report to MiSCA via the link below. This will assist MiSCA in taking any additional action that may be required. MiSCA has a mechanism for all individuals (adults and minors) to report abuse, not just abuse in sexual nature, as abuse can be defined as any of the prohibited behaviors outlined under Prohibited Conduct in MiSCA’s Athlete Safety Policy, all are encouraged to report suspected violations of prohibited conduct through MiSCA’s digital compliance platform below.  

MiSCA does not tolerate retaliation of any kind. Any Adult Participant or Minor Athlete who makes a good faith report will not be subject to retaliation, including harassment, as a result of making a report. The SafeSport Act also includes qualified immunity for good faith reports. The obligation to report is not always satisfied by making an initial report and an Adult Participant is required to report supplemental information of which he/she becomes aware that may be relevant in a pending investigation.

Athlete Safety Policies

If you have any questions or concerns surrounding these policies, please contact MiSCA’s Safety and Risk Management Director, Jason Whiteson at [email protected].

Risk Management Policies

If you have any questions or concerns surrounding these policies, please contact MiSCA’s Safety and Risk Management Director, Jason Whiteson at [email protected].

Team/Club Activities

Some text will go here. We should also have a link to our risk mitigation policies/procedures. Having a link to an emergency action plan would be good too. This would include rules around coach:rider ratios and having a level 2 coach in every ride group.

Competitive Events

Some text will go here. We should also have a link to our risk mitigation policies/procedures.

Mountain Bike Skills Clinics & Camps

Some text will go here. We should also have a link to our risk mitigation policies/procedures. This would include rules around instructor:coach ratios and having instructors certified in first aid and CPR.

MiSCA’s Road Trip to Ray’s Indoor MTB Park

The Ray’s Road Trip is a fun kickoff to our annual season. This fundraiser occurs in March each year at Ray’s Indoor Mountain Bike Park in Cleveland, Ohio. To ensure a safe environment, MiSCA participants are required to follow the rules established by the venue. MiSCA collects emergency contact information for each rider (adult and children). MiSCA also provides numbered wristbands that are tracked to a list of registered riders to easily identify a participant that may be separated from their family or injured. Participants are responsible for transportation to/from the event. While MiSCA membership is not required to attend this event, all MiSCA participants are required to complete a Participation Agreement and Waiver/Release of Liability at the time of registration. Participants or parents are also required to sign the venue’s waiver. Fundraising activities are covered under MiSCA’s general liability policy. Additionally, members are also covered under MiSCA’s accident/medical policy.