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Pontiac Lake Adventure Day

Adventure Day Schedule:

pay attention to the times, as they vary from previous adventure days

  • 08:00 am 6-hr Adventure Challenge Check-in; Start of team tent set-up
  • 08:30 am 6-hr Adventure Challenge pre-meeting 
  • 09:00 am 6-hr Adventure Challenge start; 4-hr Adventure Challenge Check-in
  • 09:30 am 4-hr Adventure Challenge pre-meeting
  • 10:00 am 4-hr Adventure Challenge start; 2-hr Adventure Challenge Check-in
  • 10:30 am 2-hr Adventure Challenge pre-meeting
  • 11:00 am 2-hr Adventure Challenge start
  • 01:00 pm 2-hr Adventure Challenge finish; start of lunch (continues through 03:30 pm, ½ hr after 6-hr event finish)
  • 01:30 pm Adventure Games start
  • 02:00 pm 4-hr Adventure Challenge finish
  • 03:00 pm 6-hr Adventure Challenge finish, end of Adventure Games

    What is an “Adventure Day”?  

    It is a one-day event whose purpose is to provide: 

    • A social “Outside of race series” activity for the entire MISCA organization
    • Games for all ages of MISCA students that are fun and only slightly competitive.
    • An opportunity to enjoy the beach and socialize with students and coaches from other teams.
    • Open to coaches too, so students can participate with (or against) coaches!

    What will there be to do?

    The three sub-events are back-to-back, so you can do all of them:  

    • Morning:  Adventure Challenge (2, 4, or 6-hour options) 
    • After Lunch:  Adventure Games
    • And before you go, enjoy the beach and picnic facilities at the park

    2-Hour, 4-Hour, and 6-Hour Adventure Challenge

    The “Anchor” event of the MiSCA Adventure Day – This is the morning event of the day.

    Required Gear List: [GOOGLE DOCS]

    What is the Adventure Challenge?  

    Based on Adventure Racing, but the competition is fun and light-hearted.  Time and points count, but no podiums, medals, or prizes.  Disciplines will include:

    • Mountain Biking
    • Trekking (walking / running)
    • Land Navigation (using a map and compass to find control points)
    • Paddle/Canoe (available on 4- and 6-hour challenges)

    “2-Hour”, “4-Hour”, and “6-Hour” refer to the time limit.  You must cross the finish line by then.

    Participation is in teams of 4 only, made up of students, students with coaches, or coaches.  

    Part of the “adventure” is that, prior to the day of the event, you will know little more than where and when to meet for the pre-event meeting, and the duration of the event.  No markers, flags, or signs will direct you where to go during the race. You will use race instructions, maps, and a compass to determine where to go, and punch your passport to show that you were there.  There WILL be one “Challenge Update” that will come out by email less than a week prior to the event with final instructions before the day of the event.

    Both students and coaches may register with a complete team, request to be put on a team, or request to be put on a team with a friend.  

    • Register soon!  Registration will be capped at forty 4-person teams total.
    • Registration is required at least one week before the event.
    • Navigation experience is helpful but not required
    • In the last week before the event, watch your email!  Further information coming!

    • 2-hr Adventure Challenge:
      • All team members must be entering grade 6 or higher, be a graduating senior, or have a coach on the team.
      • The event is timed but non-competitive.
    • 4-hr Adventure Challenge:
      • All team members must be entering grade 9 or higher, be a graduating senior, or have a coach on the team.
      • Semi-competitive.  Does not count in MISCA points series. No medals or prizes.
    • 6-hr Adventure Challenge:
      • All team members must be entering grade 12 or higher, be a graduating senior, or have a coach on the team.
      • Semi-competitive.  Does not count in MISCA points series. No medals or prizes.

    Parents are encouraged to attend, but may participate in the events only if they are (Level 1 minimum) coaches (must register for the event as well).

    Registration fee includes lunch and canoe rental (optional for 4-hour event, mandatory for 6-hour event).

    MiSCA Teams are encouraged to bring their team tents!  Adventure Challenge teams that belong to those MiSCA Teams will be allowed to use their team tent for a “transition area” to stage bikes and gear, instead of the general event bike staging area.

    Adventure Games

    A part of the MiSCA Adventure Day – This is the Lunchtime “fun” event of Adventure Day. All participants and family members are invited to play!

    What are Adventure Games?  

    These games will be simple, non-competitive (or light-hearted competitive), and fun!

    • They are simple, fun, and light-hearted!
    • We will provide everything necessary for participants to play

    There is NO registration fee. Participants do not need to pre-register!

    Anything else to do?

    We’re not done yet – enjoy the beach and picnic facilities before you head out for the day!

      • swim at the beach or soak in some rays
      • continue playing games
      • socialize with those from other teams

      The event is finished.


      Aug 17 2024


      8:00 am - 4:00 pm

      More Info

      Register Now!


      Pontiac Lake Recreation Area
      Pontiac Lake Recreation Area, North Williams Lake Road, Waterford Township, MI


      Mark Ware, Adventure Event Director
      [email protected]
      Register Now!


      Partly cloudy
      Partly cloudy
      27 °F
      Wind: 10 MPH
      Humidity: 58 %
      Feels like: 18 °F
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